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Southland Blues January 2003 Peach - An intimate portrait of Peach and her music - it's all good.
What can we tell you about Peach that hasn't already been said? Plenty! But this time, we thought it might be interesting to get the story straight from the self-described, blue-eyed, soul-type musician herself. We sat down with the award- winning blues vocalist/guitarist and songwriter to try and get into the mind of this truly gifted artist. CC: Why did you choose the blues? Peach: The music I grew up with in the Midwest was primarily blues and rockabilly. The sound of Motown was huge. My mother played honky tonk piano, stride piano. Blues is the music I hear in my head. I've tried other styles of music, mostly in an attempt to make a living. But in the end, you get to a point where you have to do what your heart wants you to do. CC: Who listens to the blues? Peach: There's a broad base of people listening to the blues. Today, I think it's a multicultural, multi generational audience. CC: Who listens to your music? Peach: So far, my fans have come from various regions throughout the country. Generally, they are the baby boomer generation who like to party and really relate to the lyrics (after several drinks, I might add). CC: This is a two part question. First, what motivates you? Peach: There are several things that motivate me. One is an obsessive desire to play and sing with a hard-driving rhythm section. Feeling "the pocket", getting into the moment, singing your heart out, telling the story. It's the ultimate addiction. I've been really blessed to find band members who want to create music the way I do. CC: The second part is, what frustrates you about the industry? Peach: I think what frustrates me the most in this industry is that people often have a preconceived idea about what the blues is. CC: And that is... Peach: They think the blues is Muddy Waters, they think the blues is Robert Johnson, which of course, are two of my heroes. However, the blues is an art form and as with any art form, it's living, breathing and changing with each artists' vision. CC: So, do you think that you are misunderstood as a blues artist? Peach: No, I'm not misunder-stood. I'm just different. CC: Do you think that's why there are so few women players in the blues? Peach: No, but if you figureit out, let me know. CC: Really, why so few women? Peach: Personally, I think my generation of women weren't encouraged to play. Classical maybe, but not blues and rock. It's funny too because the women of my generation are very innovative and rebellious in a lot of directions. But still, so few players. CC: Why have you been so dogmatic about playing with your own band, not just a "pick-up" band? Peach: Well, my band is really my instrument too... and again, I'm trying to create the sound I hear in my head. I also have the old-fashioned concept of "a band", one that really likes to play together. When a band plays with love and spirit, you can hear it in the music. It's an intangible difference and I've been chasing it for a long time. CC: Who are the musicians that influenced you? Peach: I generally get into one artist and listen to them constantly for about six months. Like this year, I went nuts listening to Cornell Dupree's guitar playing. But some of the greatest artists around are the producers. CC: Such as? Peach: Well, like John Parker...now there's talent that takes my breath away. CC: Speaking of taking ones' breath away, we spoke to some of your colleagues about you. Peach: Oh, this should be interesting. Who did you speak to? CC: Lee Thornburg (horn arranger for Etta James & Tower of Power & member of The Tonight Show band), said he loves working with you because, "she gives me total creative freedom, surrounds herself with good players, is a ball to work with and has this incredible love for the genre." Peach: Lee's an incredible guy and a brilliant musician. CC: Marshall Blonstein (former president of Island Records), who is now president of Morada Music said, "Peach can take any piece of music and make it her own." And we spoke to a DJ by the name of Michael Jankovec at station WELY in Ely, Minnesota. Peach: The Boundary Waters Blues Festival. Now that was a blast. CC: He said that when you played at the festival that the crowd went crazy over your performance and that since the festival, he gets daily requests for your songs. He said your music is "smooth as china silk." Peach: Getting good feedback from fellow musi-cians and fans is what keeps me going. It sure fuels the fire. CC: Michael had one other interesting story about the festival. Peach: What's that? CC: He said that the Mayor of Ely, who is a big blues fan, attended the festival and was so moved by your performance, that she actually presented you with the "Key to the City". Peach: I was very flattered...and so surprised! CC: Did you get much radio play last year? Peach: Yeah, last year was an amazing year for me. There were a lot of blues DJ's that really got into my CD's and played the hell out of 'em. CC: What lies ahead in the world according to Peach? Peach: We'll be playing at the Solvang Blues Festival on January 10th. During NAMM we'll be performing at the Anaheim Hilton. I am returning to Martini Blues in Orange County on Saturday, February 8th and I'll be headlining at the House of Blues for Rock 'n Cure on March 9th. CC: Any new releases in the works? Peach: My third CD - Starin' You in the Face - should be ready for national distribution around the second quarter of this year. CC: It was great talking with you. I have one last question. Peach: And that is... CC: If you had a chance to go back in time, would you do anything differently? Peach: Not a thing. I truly have been blessed. ###
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